Review and Assessment of Syrian Telecom Establishment Network
Damascus, Syria
Engagement Type
Network Consulting Services
Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (TSTT)
SaskTel International (SI) provided an independent review and assessment of the Syrian Telecom Establishment (STE) for Rich Telecom located in Ontario, Canada. SI was engaged to provide IP Network and Switch Traffic/Routing Consulting Services. The goal was to provide an objective opinion of the STE network by undertaking a review and assessment of the current infrastructure.
The project was broken down into two main components. The primary focus of Phase 1 was to provide a high level network assessment on the current capabilities of Rich Telecom’s equipment in Damascus, Syria. Analysis was conducted to identify potential issues related to Internet and VoIP traffic. The second part of Phase 1 was to provide a high level network assessment on STE’s network infrastructure and their ability to transmit and complete calls. The objective was to improve connectivity and call completion rates between both companies.