New Mobile Operator Start Up Project
Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas
July 2016 – present
Engagement Type
Strategic Consulting Services
12 SaskTel International, 150 Local
SaskTel International (SI) and ALIV formed a strong partnership to work diligently on the launch of a new network and company to be the second mobile operator in the Bahamas and succeeded in record time – meeting 99% population coverage across New Providence and Grand Bahama. ALIV, in partnership with SI, was able to successfully soft launch in a mere three months after winning their mobile license with a commercial launch following only another three months after that. SI provided experience and knowledgeable resources towards the project to help with the technical aspects of operational network design, construction and operation, as well as effectively managing the program of projects to complete the work. SI also provided unbiased third-party strategic advice to ensure that the decisions vendors were making worked cohesively for the benefit of the company. ALIV’s partnership with SI allowed them to not only meet their obligations in record time, but also to quickly capture market share and begin generating revenue. With this approach, ALIV gained access to a team of highly experienced, professional experts, who were able to immediately step in to meet the most difficult challenges.